M3 Mining


Primary ticker: ASX:M3M
Stage of development: Exploration
Primary minerals: Precious and base metals
Project to promote: Edjudina Gold Project
Project location: Australia
Website: m3mining.com.au


M3 Mining Limited (ASX:M3M) is a Perth-based mineral exploration company focused on creating value for shareholders through exploration and development of a high-quality precious and base metal exploration portfolio. M3 Mining’s projects are strategically located in tier one locations surrounded by majors and have neither have had modern, systematic exploration techniques applied. The Company’s strategy is to apply a systematic approach to the assessment and prioritisation of its projects, all of which have the potential to produce material discoveries. Simultaneously, M3 Mining is actively seeking acquisition opportunities that should deliver substantial shareholder returns.


Cash: AUD$2.2M
Debt: NIL

Major shareholders:
Resmin Pty Ltd <SPE Investment A/C>

Brown Bricks Pty Ltd <HM A/C>

Mr Julian Stephens <One Way A/C.

Davis Family Capital Pty Ltd <The Davis Super Fund A/C>

Mr Ziggy Lubieniecki

Management ownership – 13.10%


Management Profile

Simon Eley, Executive Director


Solicitor with considerable experience in the resource sector. Simon was the founding director of Egan Street Resources and led the acquisition of the Rothsay gold project which was subsequently acquired by Silver Lake Resources in 2019 for an implied value of $72 million. He has held the chairman role of several of ASX and NASDAQ listed companies and also acquired the Central Murchison Gold Project and later became an executive director of Aragon Resources Limited. Simon’s experience also includes oil and gas operations in Africa, iron ore projects, capital raisings, commercial agreements, dispute resolution, corporate management, strategy, acquisitions and divestments.

What is your rationale for taking part in 121 Mining Investment?

Raise investor awareness of, and market support for, the company and its potential given the current low valuation. Assuming the current acquisition is consummated, we’ll also be looking to undertake a significant capital raise.

What recent news would you like to highlight to investors attending?

~18 April 2024 – commencement of drilling at Edjudina Gold Project (noting recent acquisition by Northern Star of the Hobbes deposit held by Solstice Minerals)

18 March 2024 – gold and copper exploration to commence

29 January 2024 – regional base metal anomalism at Victoria Bore

10 July 2023 – Spectacular gold mineralisation confirmed at Edjudina

What are your key goals for the next 3, 6 and 12 months?

3 Months:

Identify and drill further gold targets at Edjudina following upcoming AC drilling program and generate copper targets for drill testing at Victoria Bore.


6 Months:

Complete first major acquisition and significant capital raise and drill test copper targets at Victoria Bore.


12 Months:

Complete second acquisition and drill out a gold prospect at Edjudina.

What do you see as the key risks and challenges facing your company at the moment and how are you overcoming these?

Access to capital – we have a tight capital structure, supportive shareholder base with management aligned to success and we have recently completed a placement giving M3 Mining confidence in its future ambitions.

Administrative processes – obtaining the grant of tenure is becoming an issue generally so ensuring we have the right team assisting M3 Mining to reduce timeframes is paramount.

What do you think makes your company such a compelling investment?

Team individually and combined have generated significant shareholder wealth before so know what’s involved.

Tight capital structure gives greater leverage to success as well as a good runway for acquisitions.

Gold and copper; amongst the go to commodities at present.

What are the top 3 key investor takeaways?

1. Highly regarded team known for discovery and transaction success.

2. Exposure to gold and copper in premier mining jurisdiction with potential acquisition in near future.

3. Well funded and attractively priced, leveraged to success